Player’s Code of Conduct

All Baldivis Basketball Club players are required to carefully read and adhere to this ‘Code of Conduct’.

• Always compete in a hard, but fair manner.

• Show respect for ALL players, coaches, officials and scorers.

• Never argue with an Official during a game. If you disagree with a call, ask your Coach for guidance.

• Control your temper. Verbal abuse of Officials, sledging other players, and deliberately distracting or taunting an opponent is not acceptable behaviour and will NOT be tolerated by the Baldivis Basketball Club and the RBRA. Technical fouls will incur a penalty.

• Players reported by officials to the RBRA Tribunal will be afforded due assistance from the club, the club reserves the right too impose bans upon it’s players, up to and including life bans, in addition to any penalties handed down by the RBRA Tribunal.

• Do not get involved in altercations between other players verbal or physical as this will likely make situations worse not better. Allow officials to deal with altercations accordingly.

• Technical fouls as a result of unacceptable behaviour will result in missing the remainder  of the game. Other non-behavioural technical fouls will not result in this punishment.

• Work equally hard for yourself and your team. You will benefit, and so will everyone involved with your team.

• Be a good sport. Appreciate all good plays, whether made by your team or the opposition.

• Understand that your Coach is the main point of focus for instruction when at training or in matches and will be listened to with proper attentiveness. Without them there would be no team.

• Respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants, regardless of their gender or ability, cultural background or religious beliefs.

• Players shall wear a correctly sized and fitted mouth guard at all times when playing during games or training sessions.